Why we choose recycled​

In our article ‘The Problem with Plastics’, we explored the issues that communities today face because of plastic consumption.

At Rainbow, we recognise that plastics are an incredible material. Their durability, water resistance, and versatility make them vital in many applications. Whether it is creating protective barriers, ties, or edging, plastics offer unmatched benefits that are crucial to our industry.

We also understand that while bio-based options are fantastic in certain cases, they aren’t always suitable for the demanding conditions where some of our products are used, and sometimes only plastics can meet these requirements.

This doesn’t mean we should continue to rely on virgin plastics, derived from new oil. We firmly believe in using what we already have. Having generated nearly 4 billion tonnes of plastics in the last 10 years, we have no doubt that we have enough material already in circulation to last us a lifetime. That’s why we are committed to using only recycled materials in our products – no virgin oils are involved in our production process. By doing so, we contribute to a circular economy, where materials are continuously repurposed, and waste is minimised.

Even in terramer, our biodegradable material, we ensure sustainability by recovering wood waste from British woodlands. This not only reduces the need for new raw materials, but also supports the health of local ecosystems.

Our commitment to using recycle materials is driven by a desire to divert waste from landfills, ensuring that valuable resources are not simple discarded. By choosing recycled, we play our part in reducing the environmental footprint of our industry, fostering a more sustainable future.

At Rainbow, we believe that every step towards sustainability counts. Choosing recycled materials isn’t just a business decision – it’s out contribution to a healthier plant, and a stronger circular economy.